Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Required Sonograms Before Abortions

          At the beginning of the legislative session this year there was a suggested bill that would require all women wanting an abortion to receive a sonogram twenty-four hours before the scheduled procedure. Then the doctor performing the sonogram would sit and point out the identifiable parts of the fetus that could be seen and listen to the fetal heartbeat with the patient.
          Supporters of this bill hope that when women are forced to see the sonogram and hear the fetal heartbeat, they will change their mind about going through with the procedure.
          Senator Davis is not a supporter of this bill.  She thinks that, "The purpose of the bill is to traumatize women who are considering an abortion procedure into making a (different) decision."
          I completely agree with Senator Davis.  I feel like by passing this bill women are going to feel guilted into keeping a child that they don't want.  I would hope that the decision that a woman has already faced just setting up the appointment for this procedure would be traumatic enough, but if they feel like it's the right thing for them to do in their life, then that should be enough.  To be forced to have a sonogram, that you then have to sit and discuss with a doctor is just cruel.
          I feel like the decision to have an abortion is between two people, sometimes three. The two people who made the baby and their doctor. Or depending on the relationship between the man and woman, sometimes just the woman and the doctor performing the procedure.  I don't think it should be anyone elses business at all, ever.
          As of right now the bill is set to pass and become law.  I think it's unfortunate that the legislature is so focused on something that I don't think is any of their business, instead of spending their time trying to fix some of the more serious problems this state is facing.

1 comment:

  1. Samantha, you do a pretty good job facing this controversial bit of legislation. I think it is a human rights issue, personally. We should not be forced to listen to or view any media, under any conditions. It is the freedom of speech in reverse. This legislation would open the door to brain-washing and other mass mind control techniques. We get enough of that through the media, now. I would urge you to dig deeper into this issue, if you feel strongly about it. I agree with your position, but there is a lot more to it than you have covered here. You write concisely and coherently, and this subject deserves well-written discussion.


